Interactive Stories
Chapter 9: Rangers ride on and on

this page added by DraganStankovic

Nah, Itll be worth it, besides, this is gonna be my first KILL!! Panathinaikos gives a sinister grin.
Ok rangers, whenever your ready, my hologram cant last if Im scrap Abyss whispered.
As if she to tell us, one of them thought.
Zach touched to the left of his chest, brought his glowing bionic arm, blocked from sight by the hologram. He raises his arm, already on maximum bionics, saw his target frost-fingering his rail-gun.
A blast full of pure energy, 10inches in diameter sent Panathinaikos flying against the wind, with a Big thud when it hit a wall. His whole body reduced to char.
The debris stood there, no more and were left intact where they were, as if its been there the whole time.
The rangers brushed themselves off. Abyss tendering to her own minor wounds.
Then approaches a dark blue maximal. Greetings, good work out there, I thought you humans were toast.
Yeah, we would have been if it wasnt for Abyss here Shane Gooseman gesturing to the female maximal.
Abyss, Its nothing really, I wouldnt want you humans getting hurt, but the enemy would want you guys hurt. So I thought that nothing would happen if you would just died Abyss, grimacing at the last word.
Yes, I thought those debris were really falling, but we felt nothing when it hit us. Said Niko.
AND, Gooseman eyeing Abyss. We had our helmets crushed.
But that was to make it as if you rangers really were crushed, Abyss defended herself.
Well, that was good, because it made us realize we were not in cyber-heaven. You see, we dont use helmets, yea we use them, but just when piloting our interceptors. Zach explained.
Abyss just gave a soft Oh.
To the others dismay, they saw Abyss weeping.
She blinked furiously, stared at the ground and shivered. Some sort of liquid dropped plopped softly to the ground, followed closely by another.
Abyss, whats wrong? Niko was the only one who asked.
ItsI am too ashamed to tell, but I see that you are a telepathic-
I can promise you, Niko doesnt pry. Wed only be looking for what is wrong, IF u want her to. Would you? Shane Gooseman interrupted.
Your mind belongs to you Abyss, Niko said firmly. I will never read you without your permission. Right now Id like to us a Gift called pschometry to See into the past.
Slowly, Abyss relaxed. Okay, she whispered.
Hmmm, could you bent down or something, since your several feet taller than an average human, Niko smiled.
Abyss kneeled down.
Niko leaned forward and put one hand on Abyss forehead. With the other, the left, she touched the golden badge at her belt. The pale glow of Nikos powers surrounded the two of them the others stared in awe, especially Hammarby who had just witnessed this for the first time - and Abyss flinched.
Its all right Abyss, Niko said calmly, her eyes closed. Its just the charge from my series-5 implant.
Hammarby studied them, bathed in golden light.
Niko frowned and sat back, opening her eyes. The luminescence dimmed.
I dont believe you have a MIND, but you do have a SPARK, the answer coming at once.
Niko repeated, but now she knows she has to concentrate on the Spark, the thing that makes a transformer special from any other. While this is taking place, the rangers, accompanied by Hammarby tried to help any maximal and Autobot that are still functional, most of whom, are left in the conference building.
Then, moments later, Niko knew. Knew that Abyss is worried about a male maximal, which whom she is in love with, although she might not admit it. Niko smiled, thinking about Shane. She tried to shut the thought off, but it popped up despite of her efforts. *No way, * she thought. *Dont go there Niko*

What do you do now?

With the galaxy rangers *casting any doubts about themselves* the surviving elders decide to join
Fast forward to the maximal space port

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Story program written by Valerie Mates