Interactive Stories
Chapter 8: Your Heart, is My Heart

this page added by Mop-Boy

"Regroup team!" Zach shouted as the tweakers fled. "Get back under Niko's shield!"

Gooseman reformed and sighed, "Boy! These guys are tough! What now?"

"We have to rush that big one! It's our only chance!" replied Zach, as the rest of the Rangers made it into the shield. "Everyone get your weapons ready!"

Just as Zach said this the shield dissapeared and Niko collapsed on the floor. "Couldn't...hold it...anymore."

"Hey don't sweat it Niko.", Gooseman said, "You did good!"

As the Rangers comforted their fallen comrade, a mortor exploded near the Rangers and brought support columns crashing down on them.

"Rangers look out!!", Abyss screamed just as the beams fell upon the stunned humans. Abyss sprinted to the fallen debris to see if anyone was still alive underneath. She frantically grabbed columns, tossing them left and right, hoping they were still, I mean alive. When she lifted the last obsticle she could see underneath. Their bodies were crushed. "Noooo!!" Abyss cried, as she threw the beam aside. "Initiate narrow beam life scan."

"Acknowledged.", a computerized voice replied.

From Abyss's eyes, green beams shot out and passed over the Ranger's bodies. Their helmets were flatened and broken open. Even one of the Ranger's was decapitated. After several passes the light ceased, and the computerized voice responded.

"No lifesigns detected."

Abyss collapsed on the floor, mourning for the humans. She had such compassion for all life. Ever since she was activated for the first time, she could not hurt another without feeling pain herself. Abyss was born with a special ability to feel what others around her felt. She was empathic. And in these human's death, she felt dead herself. Even when she saw Galvatron destroyed by the sigularity-powered mech known as Oblivion, she felt deep loss. Deep loss even for a Decepticon.

While Abyss lay on the ground, weeping, Panathinaikos took out his rail-gun and pointed it at the young female Maximal. "Now you die as well Maximal.", he said as he brought the gun to full power. He grinned an evil grin and squeezed the trigger.

"Panathinaikos!!", a voice shouted over the grinning Predacon's com-link. "Panathinaikos! pull out your troops and report to 'Maximal Space Port 99'(tm)! The ship is ours. We must leave now!" The transmission disconnected and the Predacon was alone again.

"Why now??", the Predacon growled as he tightly gripped his trigger. Panathinaikos' finger was three microns away from completing the shot. The fight was heavy, and the Predacons were winning. "I have a Maximal dead in my sights, and Commander Ignatz wants to call us off? She's crazy! But then again, I don't dare disobey a direct order...or do I??"

What do you do now?

Watch Panathinaikos pull the trigger and disobey his commanding officer
Watch Panathinaikos pull out his troops and obey Ignatz's orders

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Story program written by Valerie Mates