Interactive Stories
Chapter 10: Ranger Burgers

this page added by Mop-Boy

Kup placed his hand on Zach's shoulder, "You did great out there kid."

"Yeah", agreed Hot Rod, "You guys are alright. For humans that is."

"Hey!", exclaimed Gooseman, "Aren't you guys dead?"

"Nah we just faked it!", replied Goldbug "We're immortal! You don't get to be elders of anything if you're dead!"

"Wait a sec!", Niko said, "You guys just pretended to be dead?? That just reeks of lameness!"

"Yeah!", agreed Gooseman, "Sounds like one of those horribly written kids shows. Y'know?"

Hot rod turned and gave Gooseman 'The Evil Eye'(tm), "Oh really??"

"Me Grimlock think humans are lame.", the dino elder boasted as he appeared from nowhere.

"Hey! Wasn't your sorry butt dragged out of the auditiorium and into a shuttle??", Zach inquired, "How can you be in deep space, and here at the same time??"

"Me Grimlock have split personality!", Grimlock replied, "It really helped when me need to wait in line for weeks to get Star Wars: Episode One tickets, while still going to boring elder meetings."

"Uh... yeah...Soooo, what now?", Niko asked

"Well I'm kinda hungry!", Gooseman replied, "I say we get a bite to eat!"

Grimlock stood in a thinking position for a few seconds, then transformed into T-Rex mode, "You know what me Grimlock think??"

"Whats that big guy??", Gooseman asks

Grimlock began grinning, showing his many dino-teeth, "Me Grimlock think Gooseman is right!"

Suddenly Grimlock jumped at Gooseman and snapped his jaws shut over the ranger's right arm. The elder dino lifted him into the air and shook him violently!

"YEEEAARRRGGG!!!!" Gooseman cried, as blood sprayed everywhere.

"Goose!!", Zach shouted as he jumped forward to rescue his friend.

Kup clenched his grip down tighter on Zach's shoulder and pulled him back, "Where do you think you're going son?"

"Whaa??", the ranger asked, in a confused state.

"I'm hungry too!", the elder elder replied, as he lifted Zach up and took a bite out of his neck. More blood sprayed all over the place.

Hot Rod, imediately gripped Nikko by the head and took a bite out of her head. There was a sound crunching and smushing as he chewed the ranger's cranial matter, "Mmmm!! Brains!!"

"Ow!!", Niko yelled as Hot Rod took another bite. "Take it easy!"

"Sorry.", apologized the flaming elder.

Doc was nowhere to be seen. Goldbug sat back, probing his face plate with a steel toothpick. His midsection contently stuck out like a barrel. The golden elder let out a hearty belch, "Erp! Excuse me!!"

Grimlock shook and shook until Gooseman flopped to the ground, severely bleeding from a socket that once was graced by an arm. "Goose taste like chickenbots!" the dino elder snorted as he swallowed the ranger's missing apendage.

"Yeah but they're awfully stringy!", Hot Rod mumbled while chewing.

"Don't talk with your mouth full!", Niko lectured.

"Sorry." The red elder apologized, before taking another bite.

Kup devoured the rest of Zach's head, then paused for a moment, "Y'know this reminds me of the time when we had a banquet on Shouer 7. The colony had fried up the planet's native people into this great big stew! It was more than we could eat but..."

The reminising elder continued on his flashback as Abyss watched on. She couldn't belive what she was seeing. "Has the world gone completely mad??", she thought to herself. Suddenly, through the gaping hole in the auditiorium's ceiling, a bright firey light shot through, covering the stadium with a red glow. The room began to levitate and float towards the apex of the colosium. The rest of the ceilng crumbled and was engulfed by the firey red light. With the roof now gone, Abyss could see where the light was eminating from. "Unicron!!", the femme Maximal shouted, as the luminance drew her upward. "It's Unicron!! But he's dead!! There wasn't anything left of him to even sell as scrap, after the Matrix blew him up!!"

"I got better.", Unicron boomed as he continued to devour Cybertron. "I heal really fast."

"This is it!", Abyss cried. "This is the end!"

Kup dissapeared in the firey light spouting how good the Lemming People Pudding was on Gilirad 90.

"The end of Cybertron!"

Hot Rod vansihed into the red glow, with Niko yelling at him for not using a napkin.

"It's over!"

Grimlock flew after the fleeing one-armed Gooseman, "Me Grimlock love drumbsticks the best!!"

"Its over!"

Goldbug floated away, in a content manner. He flatuated as he ascended, "Oops! Pardon my exhaust!", he apologized as he waved goodbye.

"It's over!"

"Sandstrike! Wake up! It's over!"

Sandstrike came to as hundreds of Maximals crowded to the exits of the auditorium. The center stage was empty and the maintenance drones began cleaning up the stands. "What?? Where's everyone going?"

"You missed the whole thing Sandy! I can't believe you dazed out on the conference!", Abyss said as she helped the short Maximal to his feet.

"Sorry." apologized, the lizard bot, "I guess I just couldn't keep my mind from wandering. So what did I miss? What did the elders discuss?"

"Dunno." replied the female Maximal.

"What do you mean? You didn't listen either??", asked Sandstrike.

"Uh...well," explained Abyss, "I kinda had to use the little femme's room, and y'know how long those lines can get don't you??"

"No not really.", replied the short lizard. "We mechs just walk right in and..."

"Yeah yeah," Abyss interrupted. "I get the picture. Why don't we just go over to my place and watch the rebroadcast of the meeting?? Then I could show you , close up, my fins I"

"Um..." Sandstirke blushed. "I really have to go and get my new form configured."

"Oh common Sandy!", the femme insisted as she winked. "You won't regret it!"

What do you do now?

Go to R.E.M.A.C. to get your form reformed
Go to Abyss' place for a first hand look at her...fins

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Story program written by Valerie Mates