Interactive Stories
Chapter 10: To Area Omega!

this page added by Megatron Vehicon

"This meeting can wait!" Dark Star shouted. "Drone," the small black robot zoomed in towards the dark female, "tell the other delegates that I shall not be attending this meeting."

"Message recorded," the drone left the room.

"Now, Skyjack," she faced him, "to Area Omega."

The two boarded his personal ship and left Dalgan heading for the bizarre planet that was home to the MiB.


The ships hull rattled as it set down on the soft planet. The sound of the roaring engine was muffled by the styro-rock planet surface. The synthetic air rushed out of the ship as the airlock opened. No, the Transformers didn't need it, but it was standard for all ships that may carry oxygen breathing species.

Dark Star eagerly stepped from the ship. She discarded her white robe as she surveyed the land. "Skyjack, stop staring. Let's move." She stared at the close sun, "This sun's radiation is undoubtedly powering the MiB base." She transformed. Her F-14's afterburners lit up as she streaked overhead. Skyjack, the old Transformer that he was, sighed and chased after her.



The MiB's base, Area Omega, had been found easily by the seasoned spy, Dark Star. She quickly transformed to robot mode. Gracefully falling from the sky she drew her gun. Her feet landed without a sound as she fired her powerful blaster. Many of the guards fell under Skyjack and Dark Star's fire. She fried as many of them as she could. The thrill she got from their screams was unequaled. "I need to get into the central command!" she yelled to Skyjack. "Those MiB secrets will be mine, Maximals!" She fired blindly running forward into the heat of the laser battle.

What do you do now?

Skyjack follows Dark Star into the central command center.
Skyjack, thinking Dark Star is a fool, runs for his ship.

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Story program written by Valerie Mates