Interactive Stories
Chapter 11: If It's Not Broke, Don't Fix It!

this page added by Jennifer Par

Nexus Zero.
"Hey, it's those stupid Transformers again!"*(Translated from Nexus Zerionese.) The alien, whose name was Ally, exclaimed.
"No kidding? Darn, I hate having to pretend I'm omnificent." The other replied.
"Well, like it or not George," Ally sighed, "We have to go stop them from meddling in the timestream again." George threw up his tendril in annoyance.
"Why can't they just leave well enough alone?!? It's always pick, pick, pick! Those idiots can't seem to stop coming back. I think maybe we should just blow up the planet."
"You know we're not allowed to do that. We'd need authorization from the supervisor, and there's not a chance of him giving it to us." The two aliens sighed deeply in disappointment.
"Oh well, I'll get the forms." There were months worth of forms to be filled out before any action could be taken, which kind of offset the advantage of having instantaneous transport. Stupid bureacracy, George thought. Someone should just take the stupid high council and can 'em in specimen jars. Ha, that would serve them right.
"Wait! George, come back here!" George heard Ally and floated back.
"There's just been a minor fluctuation in the timestream."
"Well,... Look." George looked at the readouts. There was a major time distortion in the making, and it was increasing in sync with the fluctuation.
"Well, well. It looks like someone has a Transwarp drive."
"And it looks like someone is about to make a big mess of the timestream on our shift."
"Ya just know we'll get blamed for this."
"Sure, doesn't it just make you sick? I mean, It's not like we MEANT to zap them with that island or anything, but then that stupid Predacon spider just HAS to go and mess it up..."
"Oh, hush up. You're the one that left the interface on."
"It was you, not me!"
"No it wasn't, it was you!" Ally sighed.
"Nevermind. We've been through this before. So should I contact the supervisor or should we just go ourselves?"
"Hm, yes, what a decision. We can go through the system, fill out Tevapwacs of paperwork, and get no credit, or, we can go off by ourselves recklessly, oh, and probably trash that spider in the process. What do you think?"

What do you do now?

Break out the pencil sharpener and get working on that paperwork.......
Kick some Transformer across space-time for meddling on your shift!

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Story program written by Valerie Mates