Roadblock (Autoroller)

Toy Condition Loose, Complete, Great Condition, With Tech Spec
Toy Photos
(linked to larger images)
Robot Mode Vehicle Mode
Box Art Currently Unavailable
Instructions Currently Unavailable
Tech Spec Image Courtesy of the Hartmans
Tech Spec Data 
 Roadblock      Function: Front-Line Defense         Group: Decepticon
                                       Sub-Group: Auto Roller  
 "Get out of my way. . . NOW!"                        

    | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill |
       8.00     3.00     4.00    8.00     4.00   8.00    6.00     5.00

    Always angry. Extremely combative. Enjoys pushing other Decepticons
    around, but only if they're weaker than himself. Recon missions are
    his specialty. Clears battle perimeters of fallen Autobots wreckage
    in minutes with heavy-duty front end "super shovel." Has no fear of
    engaging an enemy. Uses spinning saw blade to slice open armor like
    a machete through birthday cake. Fires powerful "penetrator"  
    missiles that bore through double-thick, armor-plated shielding to
    assure Autobot destruction.                                
Toy Review 
Currently Unavailable