Megatron (Combat Hero)

Toy Condition Loose, Complete, Great Condition, With Tech Spec
Toy Photos
(linked to larger images)
Robot Mode Vehicle Mode
Box Art Currently Unavailable
Instructions Currently Unavailable
Tech Spec Image Courtesy of the Hartmans
Tech Spec Data 
 Megatron       Function: Leader                     Group: Decepticon
                                       Sub-Group: H.E.R.O.  
 "Peace through tyranny!"                          

    | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill |
       9.00     9.00     4.00    9.00    10.00   7.00   10.00     6.00

    Megatron is a combination of brute strength, military cunning,
    ruthlessness, and terror. He aches to return to Cybertron to
    complete his conquest after destroying all the Autobots on Earth
    and capturing all Earth's resources. He's incredibly powerful and
    intelligent and fires a nuclear charged fusion cannon. He can also
    link up interdimensionally to a black hole and draw anti-matter
    from it for use as a weapon. Megatron has no known weaknesses.
Toy Review 
Currently Unavailable