
Toy Condition Loose, Complete, Great Condition, With Tech Spec and Instructions
Toy Photos
(linked to larger images)
Robot Modes Vehicle Mode
Box Art Currently Unavailable
Instructions Currently Unavailable
Tech Spec Image Courtesy of the Hartmans
Tech Spec Data 
 Punch-Counterpunch     Function: Double Agent           Group: Autobot
 " In my business, there are no friends, only suspects. "
    | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill |
       5.75      9       4.25     6       7      10      5.75     8.5

    Punch, the Autobot, transforms into Counterpunch, the Decepticon, to
    infiltrate enemy installations.  Cool-headed, a robot of few words,
    reveals little of his true self to either side.  Maximum car mode
    speed: 160 mph.  Uses twin mortar launcher in Autobot mode, photon
    cannon in Decepticon mode.
Toy Review 
Currently Unavailable