Toy Photos
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Robot Mode Beast Mode Packaging
Toy Condition Loose, Complete, Mint Condition, With Box (flattened), and another Mint In Bag
Bag/Package From my collection
Toy Review 
Color Scheme:
Mostly yellow, with a few translucent green parts, purple spots on his chest and beast head, and green accents on his heads. Definitely Cheetor colors.
Robot Mode:
Some say he's more stable than the mega version of Cheetor, but only if you point his arms straight out, and hunch him over. His feet are still too small to hold him up straight. As far as how he looks, he's ok. Looks more like the show than his mega sized counterpart, but it's a little out of proportion. His head is REALLY small, but at least it LOOKS like the cartoon Cheetor. He also has an engraved Maximal logo/spark on his right arm/shoulder, which is painted red.
Beast Mode:
Looks more like the robot on all fours, but for a McDonald's toy, that is expected. The only difference is his head. This one looks more like a cheetah head.
Almost non-existent. His chest unit slides and rotates to switch between robot and beast mode heads. That's it.
Only stands in "water-skiing" mode. hehe.

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