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Oreo Haptic Coin

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A haptic feedback rotating "coin" fidget using 5x3mm round magnets for the haptic catch points, and a needle/thrust bearing for smooth rotation. Modeled after the well known cookie using black PLA filament, with white PLA ring to hide the hardware and look like filling. The two halves separate easily for cleaning if needed. A light oil to prevent rust is advised for the needle bearing after cleaning. This Oreo Haptic Coin is NOT scented. This is a light feedback/haptic that turns easily without a loud clicking noise.

Note: This is not my model. The models can be found for free on Thingiverse here, if you have access to a 3d printer. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4346263

If you'd like to buy a completed Oreo Haptic Coin from me, they are $30 each, including shipping within the USA, but can be shipped internationally at additional cost.


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