Interactive Stories
Chapter 7: Dreaming of You

this page added by Mop-Boy

"No, we really should stay for the rest of this. Who knows what else may happen? Besides," continued Sandstrike, "I told Maverick that I'd be gone long enough to be at the gathering. If he sees me running around, when I should be getting my new form, He may think I've broken my promise."

"Maybe you're right Sandy.", Abyss agrees. "Maybe the Elders will finally announce me, Queen of Cybertron, huh?" The femme Maxmial winked to Sandstrike in jest.

"Thank you Elder Mason," Gondo said, "I would just like to annouce a few things. First would all operatives involved in the top secret Hermes Project report to Area 420? There have been complications which require every bot to report to duty."

"Oops! Thats me!", Abyss said as she stood up and smiled. "Sorry Sandy, but duty calls! We'll get together later, mkay?"

"Sure! I'll contact you after my reformation.", Sandstrike replied. "I just hope that the Predacons have noble intentions."

"Same here!", Abyss replied as she waved and walked away.

Sandstrike sighed and thought about how much he cared for Abyss. She was the first being he ever saw when he was first brought online. They were together through many things. They both also saw the execution of Galvatron, by the founding Predacons. There was one thing he never found out. He never knew how Razorclaw knew his name. the head Predacon turned and looked directly at him while both Sandstrike and Abyss thought they were hidden from sight. "Sandstrike!" Razorclaw called out.

"How did he know me?", Sandstrike thought to himself.


"How did he see me?"


"How come Elder Millious is talking about a 'bake sale'??"

"Sandstirke! This is Maverick. Wake up and respond!"

The short Maximal snapped out of his daze to the sound of his com unit squaking his best friend's voice. Sandstrike pressed a blinking button on the back of his hand, then talked into it. "Sandstrike here." , he replied. "I was just waiting for the end of the gathering."

"Well forget the gathering and get over here!", Marverick said.

Sandstrike peeped, "But..."

"But?? But what?", the voice on his wrist interrupted, "Which would you rather do? Sit around there and listen to a bunch of old jalopies flap their jaws, or come over here and work on a big mission?"

What do you do now?

Stay and listen to Elder Millious report yesterday's bake sale totals
Go on the "mission" Maverick wants Sandstrike for

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Story program written by Valerie Mates