Interactive Stories
Chapter 6: Battle for Supremecy

this page added by Falcon

Sandstrike returned his attention back to the center podium, where a Maximal Elder was calling for negotiation with all Predacons. To his right was a war-worn Autobot, operational since the First Cybertronian War. Sandstrike recalled his name as SideSweep or SideSwoop or Sideswipe or something like that. He was in robot mode, brandishing his laser rifle and calling for total eradication of all "decepticreeps" and their "Creepycon" decsendents.

Sideswipe kicked up his oratory a notch. "It's time we bash these scum ridden robots to space rust! We've got the firepower and the troops to wreck their chassises! We can't let the death of Optimus Prime go down in vain!"

The mere mention of his beloved commander brought the cybernetic equivalent of a tear to Sideswipe's eye.

An argument raged furiously for hours, between the two "good-guy" factions. Those who wanted to fight the good fight against the predacons gathered on the right of the auditorium, clustering between Sideswipe and his eerie Lieutenant, the engimatic Maximal Dinobot.

On the left of the meeting hall, behind the peace loving Maximal Tigertron, the mass majority of robots lobbied for peace through appeasement and treaties.

Sandstrike found himself drifting to the right, drawn in by Sideswipes hypnotic war-hawk cries. He also saw his true friend Abyss allying herself with Tigertron.

He moved back to the center of the crowd, torn between to choices.................

What do you do now?

Ally Sandstrike with the aggresive troops and lash out against the Preds
Rejoin Abyss and try to make a treaty with your sworn enemies

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Story program written by Valerie Mates