Interactive Stories
Chapter 13: Two Dots On The Horizon

this page added by Red Convoy

The sweltering heat from the desert slowed Red Convoy and Sandstrike down as they walked over the top of a large dune. The horizon was finally visible to Conoy's eyes. Sandstrike didn't seem to be paying much attention as he kicked sand with his foot complained about how the sand was getting in his gears.
"We don't have time for that."Red Convoy said, he took the mirconoculars down from his eyes and looked at Sandstrike, "We've got two preds headed this way."
"What?" Sandstrike said, "let me see." Looking through the massive micronoculars, he could make out a dust cloud rising from the ground. He looked to the source of the cloud and saw two tiny specs, obviously vehicles. And definately not maximal vehicles.
"If those are what I think they are, we better get our butts in gear." Sandstrike said as he handed the device back to Red Convoy. Convoy looked at him for a moment. "No pun intended.
"The preds might have discovered the location of the pod and the fact that there might be maximal survivors." Red advised. He transformed into vehicle mode and opened his door. "Hop in, this is gonna be a fast ride."
Sandstrike climbed in and the door closed. Red took off down the front side of the dune, spitting sand up behind him. The preds in the distance were becoming more and more visible with each cycle.
Sandstrike sat behind the wheel of the truck and peer through the windshield at the oncoming enemies. He could make out an outline of what seemed to be a dune buggy and another large vehicle. One much larger than a dune buggy.
"Whoa, fire butt, you better slow down there. Those preds look like they mean business!" Sandstrike said and tapped on the dashboard.
"I see them, but they look like they're slowing down themselves." The fire truck slowed down and came to a halt, while the two predacon vehicles finally came into clear view. A dune buggy like Sandstrike had seen, and a battle armored retro looking semi. Sandstrike opened up the driver's door and got out. His feet squished in the sand and he walked a few feet forward.
Behind him, Red Convoy transformed to robot mode and stood tall behind Sandstrike, dwarfing him emensly. "Greetings Predacons," Sandstrike said, "I am Sandstrike, Maximal Emmissary sent to Earth on a special assignment. Stand down your weapons, I wish to engage in no further combat."
"Agreed." Said the dune buggy, his voice sounded strikingly familiar to the decepticons Soundwave's. "Baja, terrorize!" the dune buddy flew up into the air, its parts twisting and rotating. It landed with a thump in the sand."I am Baja, and this over here is my counterpart Primor."
Baja pointed to his left at the bizarre semi, who screamed, "Primor, terrorize!" The voice gave the inclanation that he wasn't the brightest. The semi copy-catted Baja's transformation and turned into a robot.
"Now it's my turn to talk, I am Red Convoy, partner of Sandstrike." Red Convoy said, "State your rank and location."
"We were stationed at Amamark 6, until Megatron blased it to the ground." Baja said. Pointing to the horizon behind him. "We've been travelling for two Earth days.
"And your rank?" Red Convoy inquired.
"Rank is...we no got no rank." Primor said. He scatched his head and looked at Baja, "Ain't that right, George, we ain't got no rank at all."
"Quite calling me George," Baja said, "You've been spending too much time here on Earth.
"You say Megatron blasted Amamark 6?" Sandstrike asked.
"Yes, all the way to the ground. He wasted all the satelite transmittors and took the energon cache." Baja said.
"Then there's going to be no need for him to stay here, if he's got the energon cache from the base." Sandstrike exclaimed. Sandstrike thought of where Megatron would go next. "Is there any survivors, Baja?"
"Yes, one. We left her back at the base." Baja said. He transformed back to vehicle mode and Primor followed the example. The predacons took off back to their base.

Red Convoy stood there with Sandstrike as they saw the preds take off ahead of them. "I don't trust them anymore than I trust a quint," Sandstrike said.
"You don't have a choice." Red Convoy said, "If you want to stop Megatron, then I will."
Red Convoy transformed into the firetruck and started up his engine, "Well, what'll it be, kid?"

What do you do now?

Help Sandstrike find his own way to stop Megatron
Let Red Convoy lead way from now on

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Story program written by Valerie Mates